In order to give back to the Community and to the Realtors who have referred business our way over the years, we have started a Monthly Newsletter which will be informative on the Appraisal Process and any important Appraisal News that impacts the Appraisal Process.
These newsletters will hopefully help Realtors and their Clients get through some of the difficult times that may come with Appraisals.
Our first newsletter addressed how to Rebut an Appraisal that comes in below the Sales Price, (assuming of course that the Appraisal is flawed).
The next newsletter will deal with FHA Appraisals.
So if you would like to be "In the Know" and want to be added to our monthly email newsletter list, contact us and include your email address. Tell your friends and co-workers too. WE WILL NOT Abuse your inbox! We think you will find the newsletters to be very helpful.
Thanks for stopping by.